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Josef Mysliveczek

Composer's Datebook: March 9

Czech Composer Josef Mysliveček (1737-1781)

Bohemian composer Josef Mysliveček, was born on 9 March  1737, in Ober-Sarka, Prague. He was one of identical twin brothers, the other was Jachym. He was a friend of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

Josef Mysliveček showed more interest in music, although he became a miller first. He left the calling to his twin brother Jachym to follow in the footsteps of their miller father.
Josef began composing in about 1760. He became an important symphonist, producing numerous pieces. His vivacious personality endeared him to the Mozart family when they met in Bologna in 1770. "He exudes fire, spirit and life", wrote the youthful Wolfgang.

Mysliveček's Italianate style influenced Mozart a great deal in opera, symphonies, and violin concertos. He wrote 27 opera seria. Stronger dramatiac expression appear in his oratorios, notably Isacco figura del Redentore.  He also wrote the earliest examples of string quintet before 1767, a form Mozart composed on his own much later, displaying a musical style that reflects young Mozart's impression of the man himself.

His other compositions include: Antigona, L'Olimpiade, Il Bellerofonte, Adriano in Siria, Antigono, Il Medonte, La Calliroe.

Josef Mysliveček met an unfortunate end. After a bad operation which removed his nose in attempt to "cure" his venereal disease, in 1781, he died in poverty in Rome, 4 Feb 1781, aged forty-three.


  • "Mysliveček, Joseph (1737-1781)" by Gary smith, Accessed March 9, 2013
  • Sadie, Stanley, Ed. The Grove Concise Dictionary of Music. London:Macmillan, 1994. 
Image Credit:
Josef Mysliveček. / public domain

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