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Mozart in Vienna (1781-1791)

 Classical Music / Composer


At the age of 25, Wolfgang A. Mozart left Salzburg for Vienna. He arrives on the 16th of March, 1781, at 9 0'clock in the morning. The last ten years of his life will be spent in this city. In this period he writes such masterpieces as the "Magic Flute", his most important symphonies and the unfinished Requiem Mass as he lays dying. 

In Vienna Mozart takes charge of his own works as an independent musician, becoming the first freelance composer by supporting himself through commissions for compositions and by giving piano lessons. He meets world famous composers and librettists. Here is where he reaches the limits of his popularity.  

Mozart marries Constanze Weber at the gothic St. Stephen's Cathedral in 1782, 4th of August.

Whilst composing the Requiem, Mozart became seriously ill. He died on December 5, 1791 at the age of 35. He died in the house at the corner of Rauhensteingasse and Himmelpfortgasse (1st floor). Sincee September 1790, it was Mozart's home. His body was consecrated in the same place where he married Constanze Weber: at St. Stephen's Cathedral.

Please watch at YouTube! We're no longer allowed to embed the video.

Mozart in Vienna - Documentary about Mozart's Life (with English sub-titles). YouTube, EuroArtsChannel.  Accessed March 16, 2018.  

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