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In Mozart's Footsteps (1950-1955)

Mozart /

This post is based on an interesting video produced by Lady Dunn. Photography by S. Ziegler and S.A. Moy. Musical score adapted from works of Wolfgang A. Mozart. Lady Dunn narrates the documentary and is seen at the very beginning.

Featuring Salzburg, Austria, the birthplace of the musical genius Wolfgang Amaadeus Mozart. The documentary describes in travelogue style sequence showing the landmarks of the city where Mozart was born and grew up.

Lady Dunn tells us that we will be following Mozart's footsteps and meet him in spirit at every turn. Local people in traditional dress are seen, street scenes, markets, etc. Mozart's birthplace is featured:  we are given a little tour of his house as Lady Dunn speaks of Mozart's childhood. We see portraits of Mozart and his family on the walls of the house.

More travelogue style footage of fountains, Cathedral, man playing Cathedral organ (as Mozart's father had done), statues, squares, St Peter's cemetery, country house of the Archbishops, ornamental gardens, St Peter's Kellar (?), wine is drunk, toasts are made. Mirabelle Garden, the little garden house in which Mozart wrote his last opera has been brought from Vienna to Salzburg, we see the house, Mozart's grave, statue of Mozart, music academy, stage settings for Mozart operas, Salzburg Marionette Theatre putting on a performance of one of Mozart's operas. People gather to rehearse for the Festival performances of Mozart's work. Austrian and some other countries' flags are seen flying. Salzburg at dusk.

Video Credit:

In Mozart's Footsteps (!950-1955). YouTube, uploaded by British Pathé.  Accessed January 27, 2015, the 259th birthday anniversary of Wolfgang Mozart.  

(c) January 2015.  Tel.  Inspired Pen Web.  All rights reserved.

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