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Famous Orchestras and Related Websites

Classical Music / Orchestras  

An orchestra is an instrumental ensemble that contains sections of string, woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments.

The term orchestra is derived from the Greek word "orchesis" which describes the area in front of an ancient Greek stage meant for the Greek chorus.

From its pioneering years in Renaissance and Baroque periods, the orchestra grew through the 18th and 19th centuries, but hardly changed in composition during the succeeding 20th century. 

A smaller-sized orchestra comprises of about fifty players or fewer, called a chamber orchestra. A full size orchestra has about a hundred musicians, often called a symphony orchestra or philharmonic orchestra.

Famous Orchestras in the World and Orchestra-related Websites

The list is not exhaustive. We will try to update it best we can. It's also likely that other websites are no longer maintained or moved to another domain.

Please let us know through our contact page. Thank you.

Image Credit:

NSW Doctors Orchestra. (One of those concerts I attended at The Concourse, Chatswood.)

For your listening pleasure:
Mozart: Symphony No. 40 / Pinnock · Berliner Philharmoniker

Video Credit: 

Mozart:Symphony No. 40/ Pinnock.  Berliner Philharmoniker.
Youtube, downloaded by BerlinPhil. Accessed Nov 30, 2012.

(c) January 2012.  Updated May 7, 2023. Tel.  Inspired Pen Web. All Rights Reserved.


  1. I am very fascinated with the amount of information you have given on this website. It has helped me alot to determine what kind of orchestra I will be attending

    1. Thank you. It's a great pleasure to share a passion for classical music.

  2. Such a vast number of orchestras on one website, undoubtedly the most I have come across!

  3. This is such a great website!! the list are very handy!!
